CitrinaTelmarc Gardens


Blog 2015

The End

August 9, 2015  08:00

The end comes with Sandra Elizabeth. We may have perhaps missed a few but here we go. It has been an overall good year, well over 500 crosses and others done for test purposes. But it has been very dry.

Sandra Elizabeth


The very late Stevens classic.

H flava
H multiflora

This is a somewhat delicate plant. I have been moving them about and will try to get an optimum location.


Sunblock for Daylilies

August 2, 2015  08:00

We have been doing several spectrophotometric analyses of the various hybrids. That means in the visible bands from 400-700 um. But in the UV bands I also saw strong absorption. One would expect that because plants use the UV to create their nutrients. The two charts below are interesting:


Shows the UV bands. Note UVA, UVB, UVC.

 What is interesting is that I did a trial of H fulva Kwanso at direct, 30 min, 60 min, 90 min. The absorption did decrease but not much and then just stayed relatively constant. Not only a good absorber but great sunblock! Just rub smashed Kwanso all over! Trouble is pH is 2! A bit acidic.

Hot Hot Hot

July 29, 2015  08:00

The annual heat binge is on!

Dancing with Sandra

A late plant. Still waiting for Sandra Elizabeth

Increased Complexity


On the Way Down

July 26, 2015  08:00

We see some hold outs but for the most part we have seen all buds out. Sandra Elizabeth has sent up buds and we await H fulva sempervirens.

Madge Cayse

A late double

Doctor Jon
Florham Whisper

A sister to Maja's Tinkerbell, compare

Autumn Minaret

Some are 7' tall!

Harlem Nocturne
Spring Charms

An old Wild


Some Spectra

July 22, 2015  08:00

We have also been doing spectra of various hybrids. The figure below is for H fulva Kwanso. Note the three peaks, one in the UV and two in visible. There is little absorption in the IR bands. I have tried to examine this for anthocyanins and have yet to be able to perform a separation.  Below the curve is the data from Harborne some sixty years ago.


Peak Absorption (nm)


Peak Absorption (nm)


AlCl3 shift
Hirsutidin                             536.00                             545.00                                   -  
Malvidin                             542.00                             554.00                                   -  
Petunidin                             543.00                             558.00                              24.00
Delphinidin                             546.00                             557.00                              23.00
Rosinidin                             524.00                             534.00                                   -  
Peonidin                             532.00                             542.00                                   -  
Cyanidin                             535.00                             545.00                              18.00
Pelargonidin                             520.00                             530.00                                   -  
Luteolinidin                             493.00                             503.00                              52.00
Apigeninidin                             476.00                             483.00                                   -  

I cannot yet sort the above out. It is worth comparing the peaks. Mine are at 530 nm and 568 nm. The 530 would be peonidin and the 568 is well above all of them. The lower band is at 350 nm which is UV. I suspect that this is where all the UV is obtained for the plant energy cycle. Yet this is a flower and not a leaf. The following is a single flower but at various concentrations (Hybrid Black Caesar).

I can understand Beer's law here. The Sample 1 is 3 g per 40 mL MeOH and then 5 gm, then 10 gm and then 13 gm. One sees an increasing absorption and perhaps a slight shift in peak. I then plotted the ratio of each sample to the preceding one shown below:

Slowly Going Back

July 22, 2015  08:00

We have had a spate of real heat but now it is back to reasonableness.

Franz Halls

A late old bi-color


Always finding new ones

Laura Harwood

A real classic!

Apache War Dance
In the Flesh
Florham Sunburst

It came back, last year it was attacked by H fulva

BJ McMillan
Dewey Rockmore
Foxes Lair
Red Square
Peter's Journey
Fire Chief Nicholas
Bella's Brightness
Chicago Fire
Classic Caper
Woodside Commenrative
Nova Lavender
John Robert Biggs
Betsy's Penumbra
H hakunensis polypetal
Apricot Peach
Final Touch
Jan Thompson
Rachel's Hope


Reached Peak

July 18, 2015  08:00

We have reached the peak.

H thunbergerii
Doctor Jim
Evening Rapture
On Her Wedding Day
Autumn Red

A real old hybrid, 1940, and after 8 years it finally bloomed!

Kellers Kingdom
Coral Pink
Lilting Lady
Something Royal
Kates Kisses
Hidden Agenda
Utopian Coastline

Small cute bicolor

These are H fulva roots of the invasive type, 3N. Note how the root shoots out and starts another plant. This is one good way to identify them.

We have been doing some detailed analysis on the plants using spectrophotometry.

The graph below compares H aurantiaca and H citrina. citrina allows anything above 400 nm

through and thus kind of looks like white light. Whereas aurantiaca lets red light only. Thus the

red looking flower. We are doing this for a large number of plants. Remember that

to get blue you have to get something down at low wavelengths!

Happy Bastille Day

July 14, 2015  08:00

So we just have rainy humid hot is July

Susan Weber
Longlesson Orchid Thief

I like this one, just bloomed today

Arrogant Bastard
Ice Carnival
H coreana
H altissima
Just the Two of Us
Atlanta Royalty


More Guests and More Crosses

July 12, 2015  08:00

Second day of Open House and more guests and did more crosses.

Stack the Deck
Josephine's Joy
Holiday Delight
Wine Bold
Joan Elizabeth Haines
Edge of Chaos
Fancy Pansy

A very old hybrid


Interesting One good grower. Again did this six years ago!


Great Open House Day

July 11, 2015  08:00

We had a few guests and they all seemed to enjoy the garden.

The Garden is shown below where we have almost 1,000 hybrids and thousands of crosses:




Really nice red lots of blossoms and height

Doll Maker

Small and not a great grower

Red Reward
Phyliss' Sparkles
Windham Masquerade

I really like the Windhams, great plants

Wilson Spider
Vanilla Candy

An old Candy series

Ellis Powell

Has interesting form and using it with some crosses

Big Bird
Ruffled Apricot

An older plant with great form

Chicago Brave
Chicago Catalyea
White Temptation

I have been working on some whites as well

Carefree Ways
Krakatoa Lava

I like Primal Scream a bit better


Humid and Sunny

July 10, 2015  08:00

The Open House is Saturday and Sunday and we are now near peak. Notice as we go into the season the complexity of the flowers increase.


This is one of mine. I like the color, contrast, size, height, and growth characteristics.

Malaysian Monarch
Joyous Judy
Itza Ex Sixteen

Never figured out the name.

Bella's Great Red Star

One of mine introduced this year. Great contrast and growth.

Tall and Proud

A great Apps plant


An old Stout


Another old Stout

Bella's Beauty

One of my original tries. Too simple for now.

Maja's Tinkerbell

Great plant and looks better in daylight.

Catherine Woodbury
Doctor Bill
Duel Zone

Does very well in NH but just manages here

Princess Martina

One of my hybrids, moved it to front this year and it grew to almost 5'

Brillian Braeden
Ed Brown

This is a Stout winner but is one of the weakest plants we have!

Pastel Classic
Forsythe Katawba
Intricate Eyes
Rita's Sunrise
Elevated Elegance


Humid and Sprinkles

July 8, 2015  08:00

The fulvas seem to be under control. I am also seeing flowers I had not seen in the past two years. Great buds on almost all.

Prince of Midnight

Had not seen this in past 3 years, plant is great just wonder what had happened.

Siloam Ury Winniford

This is a cute plant but horrible growth to it. I have tried to do many things but to no avail.

Conspirators Oath
Carrot Rouge Truffle
Double Intrigue
Double Sometimes

Just that!

Hot and Humid Again

July 7, 2015  08:00

The humidity hits well over 70% and temps at 90F

Lord Jeffrey Amherst
Decatur Cherry Smash
Scarlet Kettle
Royal Frosting
Itza Pink Teddy
Royal Braid
Persian Ruby
Highland Lord
Chicago Atlas
Now and Zen


More and More

July 6, 2015  08:00

The blossoms keep coming on. There are still lots just waiting.

Jean Swann
Golden Glaze
Royal Fantasy
Try It
Fire Tree
Vivacious Vivien

One of my older bi-colors, a good bloomer

Kris' Kindness
Windham Orange Self

This is almost 60" tall and has a trunk.


This is also about 60" tall and fragrant.


Hot and Humid

July 5, 2015  08:00

The summer seems to be upon us!

Pink Satin

A very old hybrid and looks like H aurantiaca

Bridgeton Born
Terrence's Touch
Red Stella
Fly Catcher
Prarie Blue Eyes
Lavender Blush
Cherry Cheeks
H fulva Kwanso
H hakunensis
H aurantiaca
Florham White Wonder
Lovely Lady Lilah

A 2015 intro, lavender double

Phylis' Sparkles
Countessa Cecile
Francis Joiner
American Folklore
Blue Eyed Frog
Black Caesar
Brindlee Beauty
Mummers Masquerade
Nouveau Riche
DD 649

One of my intros


Rainy 4th

July 4, 2015  08:00

The day has been a bit wet but not a total wipe out.

Etched in Gold

I moved this to the front to see if it looked any better. Lots of form but very messy.

Green Spider


It has taken 6 years to bloom. There is some green in the throat but otherwise not worth the effort.

Florham Wonderful Days

One of my pastels.

Florham Pink Pastel

This presents very well. It takes time to get a style and technique.

Windham Fool's Caress
Decatur Dictator
Wineberry Candy
Aztec Princess
Susquehanna Echo
Maria Made Me
H citrina

Looks nice and big


Nice but not unique


Blooming Nicely

July 3, 2015  08:00

The garden is coming along quite well. We have many new hybrids worth keeping and lots of strong blossoms. Keep following if you want to see what to expect.

Happy Hilda

This is one of my hybrids, a very attractive plant and it needs lots of sun and great soil. It is worth the effort.

Bess Ross

A real old classic

Gus' Starburst

One of mine, strong red color

Allison's Design

One of my minatures, lots of buds and branches

Dallas Star

A very sensitive plant, nice color but not great blooming

Bridgeton Finesse
Jog On

A sometimes double

Sea Hunt
Bishop Gabriel
Sara's Sweet Smile
Nancy's Smile

The above three are somewhat different but are all old hybrids when I started out in late 80s

Savannah Seacrest Beauty
Magic Dawn
George Jetson

A small bicolor with not great growth

Shaka Zulu
Flight of Fancy
Scandinavian Sky
Wild Horses

This has taken years to bloom and only one scape. I have cared for this like a baby. Nice color but horrible strength!


Nice lavender plant with good growth


Nice color, good growth and petals look attractive


A fantastic tall spider with fragrance! Over 5'


Again a nice lavender

Coming on Strong

July 2, 2015  08:00

We have lots of flowers now and many new hybrids. It will be a productive season if we can keep the deer out.


Interesting flower.

Florham Pastel Glory
Cosmic Struggle
Chicago Apache
Juniper Chase
Isle of Capri
Scarlett Sahara
Harbor Gate
Dottore Giuseppe

This is one of my more recent one. Lots of complexity and very tall

Fire of Fiji
Jon Kirkland
Florham Great Days

An old one with little complexity

Windham Bold and Beautiful
Windham Caress
Brother Edward
Siloam Cousin Ethel

Not really great

Strutters Ball
South Seas


I like this coral pink-orange color but have not been able to reproduce it.

Alan Wild
Blueberry Muffin

A real short plant and needs to be in the front and then does well

Primal Scream

A real stand out


Heavy Rains

July 1, 2015  08:00

We are now in July but the rains have been coming and are heavy. Good for plants but bad for crossing, wet pollen!

Daniel's Delight

An elegant large pastel bloom. Needs to be out on the edge.

French Tudor
Sunburst Mirth

An old one with not much to display

Ninja Storm

I got this a few years back and it is just starting to really bloom.

Open Hearth
Indian Giver

Needs lots of nurturing


A big yellow flower


Humidity Increasing

June 30, 2015  08:00

Well it is the end of June and 11 more days to Open House. Looks like a good year so far.


Very nice lavender. May keep this one.

Florham Orange Surprise

One of my bi-color Tets


Been watching this for a few years. It is a good grower and complex bi-color.

Cyclamen Sunrise
Mister Brown

An old hybrid but good grower

Love Gift
Siloam Darrel Apps
Better Rum
Kindly Light
Diana Grenfill
Royal Kingdom
Emerald Green
Florham Paris Nights
Bridgeton Instant Classic


Cool and Sunny

June 29, 2015  08:00

The buds are doing quite well. The new garden expansion will cover almost 0.25 acre of display.

Chief Tecumseh

A really interesting deep purple

Tracy Bannister
Velvet Beads
Custard Candy
12.102 This is a very delicate flower.
Mystical Rainbow
Pink Slip

A Kendig

Sarah's Ruffles

One of my first, somewhat straightforward red.

Happy Apple

A real old Wild plant


Heavy Rain

June 28, 2015  08:00

Just got out between rainfall. The pics show some rain drops but we had a dry April-May and have made up for it now. We are approaching 100 hybrid blooms and have 500 more as well as over 2,000 seedlings.

Velvet Shadows

A purple like Stella

Ruby Spider

This is from our NH site and it does not look like a spider

Rus' Red Sox

I think this was my fist some 20+ years ago. Lots of red flowers for a long time.

Justin George

An Apps miniature

Kindly Kevin

One of my new intros, complex colors and almost a spider.

Magnificent Madeline

A recent intro

Sara's Surprise

An old but very tall intro from early 90s

Florham Peppermint Stick
Merlin's Magic
Decatur Apricot
Dark Eyes

My first hybrid from late 80s.

Increased Complexity


Light Rain

June 27, 2015  08:00

Today we have a bit of rain but the buds are doing well. Hopefully the July 11-12 Open House should be at or near peak.

Karen Sue

A Classic Bi color

Cynthia Paige Platais

A Good Rich Red


I Like the complexity here but it is not that aggressive a grower.

Nittany Mountain Summer

An old Apps

Court Troubador
Hurdy Gurdy Man

It has taken some time but it is a great plant

Cool Twister

The white spots are most likely from the rain. That is a problem with reds.

Gilded Glory


Starting to Really Bloom

June 26, 2015  08:00

The plants are starting to bloom. We now have a great sign for the garden!

Rhapsody in Time
Windham Orange Glow
Daring Dilemma
Rose Festival
Sugar Delight

Yes the three look awful much alike!

Galena Giltedge
Courage to Change

Mystical Rainbow X Bridgeton Instant Classic

I have been watching this one. It is really good an may introduce it. Did the cross 6 years ago!


This is really nice and will watch it.

Warm and Sunny

June 25, 2015  08:00

The weather has been quite nice.

Just About Dawn

Nice eyezone and ruffled edges.

Florham Lemon Zest

Very tall, 5', and very fragrant with many branches and buds per branch. One of my early ones. Am using as a hybridizing source.

Rapp Sure Song

A New Intro

Brocaded Gown
Ginger Whip

An old Wild plant that I kept.

Mandalay Bay Music

Nice and Sunny

June 24, 2015  08:00

Today was just perfect, hot but reasonable. Still digging out fulvas. Must keep ahead of them.

Destined to See

I like the complexity on this one


A 2012 cross with no real attributes. Will end up on the hill.


Hot and Muggy

June 23, 2015  08:00

We seem to be getting into classic summer weather, very hot, 90F+, and muggy. I am still fighting the H fulvas and am digging up any one that I find. So far I must have removed 50+ plants, the reproduce from a single cell!

Roy Beaver
French Pastry
Miss Judy Lynn

One of this years intros. Tall, about 48", large almost 8" across, many buds and branches. This is a real winner of a plant.

Frosted Velvet
Sara's Wink

One of my first intros. Lots and lots of buds, great grower, good horticultural plant.

Irish Whim

An old Wild plant, just keep it because it is early and nice looking.


Getting Hot

June 22, 2015  08:00

Summer heat is arriving as well as blossoms.

Scott's Red Cycle

An early one with lots of red

Bill Norris

A classic old one

Florham Peaches and Cream

One of my earliest hybrids, a great grower and lots of blooms


Summer is Here

June 21, 2015  08:00

Summer is now official. Past week was heavy rain and now we have the heat again. Slowly coming out and we are actually a week ahead of last year on many. But still we have thousands of scapes.


Lots of buds and branches but just a so-so flower. May use this as a base for crosses.

Swap Shop

A classic small bi-color. I have used this decades ago and may want to try again. I like the bi-colors and most hybridizers shy away from them.

Blooms Still Coming On

June 19, 2015  08:00

We are seeing more flowers but they are slow. There are thousands of great buds so hopefully we have a good season. I have also seen buds from my 2013 crosses which is surprising since they usually take longer.

Orange Prelude
Small Prize

Blooms Coming On

June 18, 2015  08:00

We are seeing more flowers. It has been wet and cool again.


Cute small yellow cross

H fulva

The malignant trash evil whatever!

I really hate them...I must let you really understand how I feel!


Early deep red

Early Bird Cardinal
Marvelous Muriel

One of my first crosses in the early 90s

Good grower and have replanted it in better location


Starting to Bloom

June 10, 2015  08:00

We now are starting to see many buds and blooms. This is earlier than usual which is surprising due to cold winter. However we have redone the garden and many of old tall trees are gone and new ones are behind plants.

09 027

Interesting hybrid. Cross between Orange Prelude, yet to bloom, and Kissimee. Short, branched good color and very early. Have been watching this one may use for crosses.

Stella D'Oro


Another H minor

June 4, 2015  08:00

I obtained this H minor from Apps and it was allegedly from Siberia. Unlike my other H minor is has erect leaves, very thin but with a strong rib and it flowers more aggressively. It is branched and has bracts. It is fragrant and a light yellow. It is worth comparing the two. The other flops whereas the scape here is erect.

H minor


Another Stout

May 30, 2015  08:00

This is the second Stout to bloom. It is a week earlier than last year.


An early Stout with one of the first eyezones.

Summer is Starting

May 20, 2015  08:00

The species are now out in bloom. Slow but certain.

H minor

This is the grass lily, leaves are thin and grass like as are the roots. The flower is a light yellow. It does not seem to cross that well and it also appears to bloom at night first like a H citrina

H middendorfii

This is a sessile like flower and no obvious branching, unlike minor above. It is a chrome yellow and you can see the difference.

H dumortieri

Here is a bud. The brown coloring is apparent and it will appear on the back side of the sepals.

First Bloom

May 14, 2015  08:00

The first bloom is Elfin as usual. It is two day later than last year. H., minor, flava, dumortierii and middendorfii are all in bud.


The early Stout. This is a very good grower worth having in any garden. Prolific seed producer as well.


First Bud

May 3, 2015  08:00

The first dud has appeared. It is the Elfin bud. We expect a bloom in about 10-14 days. This year looks about 2-5 days later than last.


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